Project Description

Together with my father and Dominic I startet in the south of France and sailed towards Gibraltar.

The mediterranean was still cold, which had the advantage of anchoring alone at places which must be overcrowded in summer

On the 8th of April my journey started in Port St.Louis in the south of France. Our first destination are the Calanques in the east of Marseille. The Calanques are characterized by their steep coastline which is formed in the limestone.

The first two weeks we used to test all the equipment, such as the kites and the desalinator. By pumping saltwater through this system you are able to produce 4 Liter of fresh water in one hour.

After two weeks of sailing in the area of Marseille together with my father we set course to west. My father had to go back to Switzerland and to complete our Crew, Meli joined us. She might expected sailing in the Mediterranean a bit different. On her first ocean sailing we had a strong and cold eastern wind, I hoped the beauty of the Islas Baleares made it easy to forget about this rough crossing. 

After sailing in Menorca, Mallorca and Formentera its time to say goodbye to Meli and to the Islas Baleares. We used the now favourable eastern wind to sail towards Gibraltar, doing a stopover in the south of Espanha, around 40 nautical miles east of Malaga. Since the wind was west for over a week we used the opportunity to discover the Sierra Nevada. Some of these mountains reach over 3400 meters and supply the surrounding areas, including the greenhouse crops in Almería, with meltwater.

The strait of Gibraltar in the early morning, due to evaporation there is a steady current of water from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean. The Current has a certain pattern with the tides and therefore good timing is crucial when sailing in from the two meter lower Mediterranen to the higher Atlantic.

Karte Noforeignland